Just Vegan is a dedicated team, happy to assist with vegan mentorship through vegan advocacy, community work, and cooking their way to your hearts, delivering freshly prepared vegan food. Outreach through cooking classes, and sharing vegan recipe developments has proven to be successful.

Just Vegan loves all life, all ecosystems, and  is firmly dedicated in assisting as much as possible in advancing communities to healthful living.

A home-based concept based in Jukskei Park, Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa, and headed by Vegan Chef On The Run with Šárka Hedström, recipe developer extraordinaire. Take a peek at inspirations on same Facebook Page, nestled within appropriate albums,  posted regularly for all to enjoy, and are complimentary.

Basic core values include recognition of treating all living creatures with respect and dignity, causing no harm to them. Acknowledgement that all life has the right to live and enjoy their freedoms. The right to healthy food security, clean water, clean air, quiet, tranquil surrounds, nutritionally dense soils, non GMO’s, healthy environments/ecosystems, security, shelter, clothes and additionally in the case of humans – agreeable and pleasurable work, free education and medical assistance (basic needs). When we accomplish these fundamentals, inclusive of adequate exercise, rest, meditation, laughter,  and mindful living – spiritual, mental, and physical health is achieved.

We have ONE Blue Planet, the time to respect her is now –

Awards and education: 

• Just Vegan (business owner/entrepreneur, influencer, teacher, vegan chef) – 11/12/2017 to date.

• Experience (over 36 years in all departments), F&B, BOH, FOH, management, business and cheffing – 1986 to date.

• Food Critic 2014 to date.

• Cannon photography course – 17/03/2018.

• Diploma In Sports Nutrition & Exercise – 08/02/2017.
• Diving Certificate – Open 20 – 08/02/2017.
• Diploma In Nutrition – 26/07/2016.
• Vegan Workshop – 06-07/11/2016.
• Quality Brand Workshop – 22/06//2016.
• Decision to go vegan – 07/07/2007.
• Cape Wine Academy – Diploma Wine Course 1996.

A little more info –

About Just Vegan: Animal rights, advocacy, affordability, convenience, health, saving lives and ecosystems, cooking, exercise, and guiding. Introducing this exciting cuisine to non vegans.

How Just Vegan began:  Upon an off chance request at a charity function, from a total stranger, a good samaritan, for home cooked meals to be delivered, Šárka realised immediately the potential demand for well balanced home cooked vegan meals that are conveniently delivered fresh and or frozen to the guests door. She registered the need for personalised hands on cooking courses that introduce and guide with comfort the ease of healthy cooking!

When was Just Vegan born: Just Vegan was born 11/12/2017 with assistance and collaboration of partner.  Just Vegans very first guest at chefs dinner table led to many curious enthusiasts and before Just Vegan could blink an eye, The Little Red Vehicle is delivering successfully all over Gauteng and weekly classes/workshops are fully reserved!

Just Vegan to assist further:  Cooking classes successfully launched 06/01/2018 growing from strength to strength today, rolling out four classes per week! First three items entering retail 11/12/2018 by agreement!

Just Vegan Serves: Nutrition from whole plant based vegan sources freshly prepared with love, well balanced, colourful, from rainbow colours and food group varieties, delivery Monday, Wednesday & Friday, variety of 5 meals in total.

The Why: Short concise articles attract and hold attention, and so Just Vegan explains briefly about benefits of being vegan, it’s healthy and you’re welcome to google the rest:

🌍 Saving sentient lives:
Over 56 billion farmed animals are killed every year by humans. These shocking figures do not even include fish and other sea creatures whose mortality rate can be measured in tonnes.

🌍 Ethics:
Ethics of killing, where the moral status of the individual killed is uncertain. Drawing on philosophical notions of personal identity and the immorality of killing, there are a host of practical issues, including abortion, infanticide, the killing of animals, assisted suicide, and euthanasia.

🌍 Eco systems:
🌿Decrease water footprint.
🌿Reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
🌿Cause less deforestation.
🌿Less land use.
🌿Keep water on land.
🌿Encourage nutrient-rich soil.
🌿Less air pollution.
🌿Less water pollution.
🌿Healthy aquatic eco-systems.
🌿Protect wildlife.
🌿Encourage biodiversity.

🌍 Climate change:
🌿New analysis shows sustainability of ‘livestock’ as crude, as they consume much more protein, water and calories than they produce. ‘Meat’ and ‘dairy’ industries use up 83% of farmland, produce 60% of agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions, contribute 57% of water & 56% of air pollution, and produce only 18% of food calories and 37% of protein.

🌍 Food security:
🌿800 million people do not have enough food. Food (and land) security is of major issues. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimates that one in nine people are chronically undernourished. With the world’s growing population expected to increase from 7 to 11 billion by 2050, not enough land is available to feed populations to animal based diet.

🌍 Health:
Consuming colourful combinations of fruit and vegetables (whole plant based vegan meals) with balance from these food groups inclusive of nuts, seeds, legumes, beans, grains, edible herbs and spice, flowers and roots, is a healthy way forward for individuals to ensure they are meeting macro and micro -nutrient needs. That, together with adequate water, exercise, sunshine D3, additional B12, proper rest and sleep, meditation and laughter, will stand in good stead for improved health and longevity.

Contact us on:  info@justvegan.co.za

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