Do join Just Vegan for dinner as Vegan Chefs continues to romance, hydrate, & nutrify with delicious vibrant colourful dishes! This week’s menu is changed deliver only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (i.e. Monday and Tuesday dishes deliver on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday on Wednesday) with pick up as an option after agreement. We have also separated the set featured menu which will be found under set featured menu.  Trust you will enjoy fully as we march forward with positive energy! Looking forward to your orders either on email, whatsapp or at the contact form at the bottom on this page.

All meals R70 with deliver costs outside Jukskei Park, Randburg, Johannesburg.

Complimentary smoothie teaser at Just Vegan’s discretion.

Raw Monday –  Buritto  

Delicious raw rainbow colour vegetables wrapped in a crunchy leave with lemon vinaigrette dressing.

Pasta Tuesday –  Mezzelune Oka 

Delicate pasta pockets, filled with butternut mix, in creamy white wine  sauce

World Wide Wednesday –  Asparagus Dillon  

Fresh asparagus spears, blanched, drizzled with dill sauce, s/w Swedish mash

Thursday Surprise – Polenta “Saltimbocca”  

Thinly sliced ‘veal’, topped with smokey ‘bacon’, drizzled with silky sauce a la Roman, gently placed on firm polenta. Soft aromas of sage, s/w ripe cherry tomato together with fresh squeeze of lemon – a must have!

Energised Friday –  Spicy “Pork” Dim Sum 

6 p/c pockets filled with goodness, sprinkling sesame, s/w soy (less sodium), Asian salad aside.

** All meals serve between 300g to 450g

** Whole brown & white stone ground flour is used in baking

** All Just Vegan meals made fresh to order, free of Sentient beings/animal excretions/hormones/antibiotics, palm oil, sugar, preservatives.  Just Vegan limits gluten, soy, Oil & salt where possible. Just Vegan cares about ecosystems & initiates greening participation through recycling programmes.

** Please note that Just Vegan does use peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, and soy in some recipes.

Delivery time promptly between 17:00 – 18:00 within the Jukskei Park area at no additional charge. Out of boundary deliveries prior and post and pick up is most welcome with prior arrangement.  Order same day by latest noon on below form, or via email/ SMS/WhatsApp – details below. Guests welcome to pick up at 16:30 with prior arrangement.

Payment with delivery or after agreement.  All other areas most welcome, please contact for travel arrangement & out of boundary delivery. Welcome to join Just Vegan for weekend meals do contact for special arrangements.

If ordering from abroad, contact direct on below number to keep in-touch & ahead of emergency arrangements so that Just Vegan can deliver to your hotel promptly & on time.

Just Vegan & Vegan Chef On The Run with Šárka Hedström

For more info contact



+27 0840476000


Do join Just Vegan for dinner as Vegan Chefs continues to romance, hydrate, & nutrify with delicious vibrant colourful dishes! This week’s menu is changed deliver only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (i.e. Monday and Tuesday dishes deliver on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday on Wednesday) with pick up as an option after agreement. We have also separated the set featured menu which will be found under set featured menu.  Trust you will enjoy fully as we march forward with positive energy! Looking forward to your orders either on email, whatsapp or at the contact form at the bottom on this page.

All meals R70 with deliver costs outside Jukskei Park, Randburg, Johannesburg.

Complimentary smoothie teaser at Just Vegan’s discretion.

Raw Monday –  Roasted Curry Garbanzo Salad 

Spicy curried chickpeas, nestled amidst a bed of crisp lettuce & roasted butternut, s/w ripe cherry tomatoes, diced herbed crostini, avo, walnuts,  drizzled with sweet mustard dressing.

Pasta Tuesday –  King Lasagna 

The way mama loves, & served with salad



World Wide Wednesday –  “Tuna” Stuffed Peppers  

Lovely “tuna” stuffed peppers, s/w green salad tossed with herbed vinaigrette.


Thursday Surprise – Green Pea and “Ham” Soup  

Perfectly cooked green pea soup with gorgeous “ham” & pizza slice.


Energised Friday –  Jackfruit pulled pork sliders 

Amazing bbq pulled “pork” sliders, s/w diced fried potato and green salad mix.


** All meals serve between 300g to 450g

** Whole brown & white stone ground flour is used in baking

** All Just Vegan meals made fresh to order, free of Sentient beings/animal excretions/hormones/antibiotics, palm oil, sugar, preservatives.  Just Vegan limits gluten, soy, Oil & salt where possible. Just Vegan cares about ecosystems & initiates greening participation through recycling programmes.

** Please note that Just Vegan does use peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, and soy in some recipes.

Delivery time promptly between 17:00 – 18:00 within the Jukskei Park area at no additional charge. Out of boundary deliveries prior and post and pick up is most welcome with prior arrangement.  Order same day by latest noon on below form, or via email/ SMS/WhatsApp – details below. Guests welcome to pick up at 16:30 with prior arrangement.

Payment with delivery or after agreement.  All other areas most welcome, please contact for travel arrangement & out of boundary delivery. Welcome to join Just Vegan for weekend meals do contact for special arrangements.

If ordering from abroad, contact direct on below number to keep in-touch & ahead of emergency arrangements so that Just Vegan can deliver to your hotel promptly & on time.

Just Vegan & Vegan Chef On The Run with Šárka Hedström

For more info contact



+27 0840476000

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