Black Forest Cake

Sweet, moist and decadent  – this is my rendition of a black forest cake. Quick and easy to create with twice the deliciousness.

Find something to celebrate with this cake!

P.S. Any vegan butter, milk and high fat cream of your personal choice will do.

Serves 8 slices

  • Prep time 15 min
  • Rest time 1 hour pre bake, then ½ hour after bake
  • Bake time 35 min
  • Assembly 15 min

_For the Cake_

•400g of flour (3 C)
•5 T Cacao
•Sugar (¼ C)
•50g bakers yeast
•Pinch salt
•100g butter (⅓ C)
•3 egg mix (3 T flaxseed ground mixed with 9T water)
• 1 T Vanilla
•200ml water (1 C)
•60ml milk (6 T)

_For toppings_

•Blue Berry jam
•Cherries bottled about 40
•300ml full cream chilled from evening before
•Dark chocolate


– Take butter out the fridge so that it’s more or less room temperature

– Prepare egg mix, add vanilla to that and set aside to gellify.

– Whisk first five  ingredients together.

– Then incorporate the butter with a fork.

– Add the egg mix, water and milk and mix together. Kneed the dough for a minute or so until well incorporated.  Leave in bowl, cover with plate, wrap with towel and pop into oven for an hour to rest.

– Preheat oven  to max for couple minutes then turn down  to 175 deg C with timer on for 35 minutes. Make sure the oven is at the desired temperature  – check the light.

– When timer goes off, test with toothpick  if you’re happy cake is baked, remove and allow to cool for half an hour.

– Once cool, slice cake in half from L to R or R to L. Open and place to 2 seperate plates with the insides facing up.

– With a knife spread jam to both sides.

– Whip up the cream  till it peaks.

– Add cherries to the bottom layer spreading them out sporadically.

– Pour cream over the bottom half of the cake until it runs over the side then flip the top layer to the bottom half of the cake like a sandwich making use of the plate. Neaten up the cake.

– Pour left over cream over top of cake until it runs down the sides. Add cherries and finally grate or shave dark chocolate all over the top and breaking small pieces of the chocolate as well decorating as you please.

Enjoy and let me know in the comments box below where you are I would love to read about your renditions of this recipe!

Love & hugs


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