15 tips on how to keep healthy during your long haul flight.

Flying like a frequent flyer. Flying like a pro.

1). It goes without saying that as a vegan you will book your flight with an airline who will cater to your needs and today most of them do offer choice. Exercise, rest & eat well prior to the flight for physical and mental relaxation.

2). Do a checklist & prepack for mental calm.

3). Write down on a seperate A4 paper all important numbers/contacts with relative country codes incase your cellphone blinks out. Also write down your name, Identity number and allergies and or medical conditions in case of any medical emergencies. Carry this together with your documents.

4). Wear loose comfortable clothes, loose socks and comfy shoes as your feet may swell up during the flight. Make sure you have deep shirt and or jacket pockets to keep your passports/documents safe and keep that on you at all times.

5). Add to hand luggage for added comfort & convenience:

  • Hand soap (smaller than 100ml)
  • Disinfectant (smaller than 100ml)
  • Wet wipes (small packet)
  • Tissues (small packet)
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste (under 100ml)
  • Cream (under 100ml)
  • Neck support blow up pillow
  • Mask
  • Pack change of clothes
  • Phone and laptop charger
  • Phone & laptop
  • Remember all liquids and creams should be under 100ml each and together in a plastic zip lock bag otherwise it will be confiscated at customs.

6). Carry on you

  • Passports, travel documents, A4 paper with all emergency contact numbers including with country codes and allergies/medical conditions, & some emergency cash.

7). International flights check in is 2 to 3 hours prior. Be on time. Be at the Airport 2.5 hours prior to take off. Check in straight away and hand in large luggage. Keep hand luggage on you at all times.

8). Sleep during a night flight for mental alertness, sharpness, and for a fresh energy when landing .

9). Stick to water, juices, tea and avoid alcoholic beverages in order to keep from swelling and to keep yourself hydrated.

10). Stretch when and where possible. Exercise your calves, stand when not requested to wear your seat belt and circle your feet to get movement and blood circulation in your ankles and legs. This will also help you avoid getting possible blood clots.

11). Avoid the bathroom if and when possible on the flight as it’s not a hygenic space. Use only when absolutely essential.

12). Keep hands clean using disinfectant, wet wipes and avoid touching mouth, nose and eyes.

13). Breathing excercises. Swallow and also blow your nose periodically to clear your ear channels due to decompression in the cabin to avoid ear ache especially whilst taking off and when landing.

14). Enjoy flight meals.

15). Post flight: Do gentle stretches and walk, shower, drink plenty water, eat lots of fruit, hydrate skin with cream and rest well.

  • Enjoy your flight.

Look forward to your experiences, let us know in the comments below your destination!

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