Tender king oyster mushroom rings, grilled with lemon, olive oil, and garlic.

Serves 2

Prep & cook time: 1 hour

Difficulty: Easy


• 4 King oyster mushroom stems

• 1 Lemon medium – juice thereof

•  50 ml Olive oil

• 2 Garlic cloves, chopped

• 1 Nori sheet – cut into small pieces


• Slice mushroom width ways to 5 mm.

• Using a tot glass, press gently into the middle of each slice to form rings.

• Once done, add everything into a bowl, mix, allow to marinade for 15 minutes.

• Pour out onto baking sheet, separate, bake for 45 minutes or, until desired texture is reached.

Note: Bigger king oyster mushrooms are preferable – you will harvest more rings out of them.  Please use left over mushroom pieces for alternative dishes.

Buon appetito !

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