Amazing butter & sprouts!

Healthy snack anywhere anytime repeatedly – never get tired of this. Your body will love you forever! Quick and easy to assemble.

Vitamin E your best friend in ripe avocado has to be the best butter in the world! Spread it and credit your cells with joy!

Use it instead of butter and margarine on anything!

Sprout and shout with with joy – add shoots to your roots to as many foods as you can think of! Use as garnish for delicate nutty flavour and blessings of folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin K!

Always have a bowl on the counter available that you can dip into as a snack. Sprouted seeds and microgreens are often more nutrient-dense than ungerminated seeds or mature vegetables!

-Start by soaking seeds (mungbean for example) through a colander resting on a lipped plate to catch the water.
-Run seeds 3 times a day through clean cool water for 3 to 6 days keeping them moist and clean. Pour excess water when rinsing the shoots to a separate bowl each time to save for watering plants they will appreciate your gift of nutrition.
-Enjoy as they begin to sprout with first two little leaves shooting out. Always smell and rinse prior.

On this photo we spread avocado onto seven seeded whole wheat pan – one of our favourites, sour dough is gorgeous too. Then add a sprinkling of good quality apple cider vinager with mother and a pepper of chili salt. Drop some cut spring onion and finally a good garnish of nutty mungbean sprouts.

Enjoy this little feast of good health without any doubts!

Let us know by leaving your comment where you are in the world and how you use your butter and sprouts!

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En Español

Increíble mantequilla y brotes!

Merienda saludable en cualquier lugar en cualquier momento repetidamente, nunca te canses de esto. ¡Tu cuerpo te amará por siempre! Rápido y fácil de montar.

¡La vitamina E, tu mejor amiga en el aguacate maduro, tiene que ser la mejor mantequilla del mundo! ¡Difundelo y acredita tus células con alegría!

¡Úselo en lugar de mantequilla y margarina en cualquier cosa!

Brota y grita de alegría: ¡agrega brotes a tus raíces a tantos alimentos como puedas imaginar! ¡Úselo como guarnición para un delicado sabor a nuez y bendiciones de folato, magnesio, fósforo y vitamina K!

Siempre tenga un tazón en el mostrador disponible en el que pueda sumergirse como refrigerio. ¡Las semillas germinadas y los microvegetales a menudo tienen más nutrientes que las semillas sin germinar o los vegetales maduros!

-Comience por remojar las semillas (por ejemplo, frijol mungo) a través de un colador que descansa sobre un plato con labios para recoger el agua.

-Pase las semillas 3 veces al día por agua limpia y fresca durante 3 a 6 días manteniéndolas húmedas y limpias. Vierta el exceso de agua cuando enjuague los brotes en un recipiente separado cada vez para guardar para regar las plantas, ellas apreciarán su regalo de nutrición.

-Disfruta mientras empiezan a brotar con las dos primeras hojitas saliendo disparadas. Siempre huele y enjuaga antes.

En esta foto, untamos aguacate en un molde de trigo integral con siete semillas: uno de nuestros favoritos, la masa agria también es deliciosa. A continuación, rociar con vinagre de sidra de manzana de buena calidad con madre y una pizca de sal de chile. Agregue un poco de cebolleta cortada y, finalmente, una buena guarnición de brotes de frijol mungo con sabor a nuez.

¡Disfruta sin dudas de este pequeño festín de buena salud!

¡Háganos saber dejando su comentario dónde se encuentra en el mundo y cómo usa su mantequilla y brotes!

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Spring roll festivals

These spring rolls made from scratch are too divine! Simple, quick and easy to make. We love the subtle crunch and find them filling too!

Serves 2 persons, 4 M to L spring rolls in total.

Takes no longer than half hour to prepare.

Ingredients & Technique

For the pastry

•Flour : 1 C

•Oil : splash about 2 t.

•Water: ⅓

– Mix together with fork then kneed with hands until elasticity develops (a couple of minutes).

– Cut into 4 equal parts, roll into a ball and set aside under a towel to keep moist whilst working on each ball individually rolling and flattening them out. You will be rolling them out as thinly as possible without breaking them, then filling them and folding them closed – repeating each one at a time.

For the filling

•Cabbage – shred as thinly as comfortably possible for you.

•Carrot – slice as thinly and delicately as possible this will make a difference in the texture and will ease the dough rolling process.

-Once all four are rolled open, filled, folded closed and sealed – set aside and quarter fill a M size skillet that will fit all 4 to fry with oil. Heat the oil first and then add the spring rolls to the hot oil fry until golden brown on all and as many sides.

For the dipping sauce

-I like to offer at least two – one more plain and the other with more bite. You will need the below and can serve to two mini ramekins according to taste with soy and sesame seed in both and chilli as an addition in the one. The ramekins will be about 2cm in diameter.

•Soy sauce – enough of a splash into a small ramekin so that you can dip your spring roll festivals into comfortably.

•Sesame seeds about 1 t between the two mini ramekins

•Red chili sliced – according to your taste.

•Sweet chilli sauce to another separate ramekin can also be nice as a variety offering.

•Pickled ginger and fresh lemon could also be options served on the side.


•Coriander and dill fresh

Join our cooking classes whilst still available would love to see you there! Check this link for current cookoffs!

Let us know where you are, how easy it was for you to make this lovely recipe and how much you enjoyed it! We would love to hear your feed back and see your photo presentations in the comments box below! Do share with us!



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