Do join Just Vegan for dinner as Vegan Chefs invite you to hydrate, & nutrify with delicious vibrant colourful dishes! Deliver only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (i.e. Monday and Tuesday dishes deliver on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday on Wednesday) with pick up as an option after agreement. We have also separated the set featured menu which will be found under set featured menu.  Trust you will enjoy fully as we march forward with positive energy! Looking forward to your orders before noon on day of delivery (of course we always try to accommodate all requests after dialogue) either on email, whatsapp or use the contact form at the bottom of this post.

All meals R70 with deliver costs outside Jukskei Park, Randburg, Johannesburg.

Don’t forget to view the set featured menu    

Complimentary smoothie teaser at Just Vegan’s discretion.

Mon is Chef’s Seasonal Salad

Raw rainbow detox salad with almond coconut

Tues is Pasta Pesto

One of the landmarks in Italian culinary pasta culture

Wed is Japanese Eggplant

Miso glazed Japanese eggplant s/w stir fried rice and vegetable

Thurs is Duck Pulm

Peking Duck s/w pancakes, plum sauce and spring onions

Fri is Reuben Hot Dog

Traditional US Hot Dog with all the extras

** All meals serve between 300g to 450g

** Whole brown & white stone ground flour is used in baking

** All Just Vegan meals made fresh to order, free of Sentient beings/animal excretions/hormones/antibiotics, palm oil, preservatives.  Just Vegan limits gluten, soy, oil, processed sugar, & salt where possible. Just Vegan cares about ecosystems & initiates greening participation through recycling programmes.

** Please note that Just Vegan does use peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, and soy in some recipes.

Delivery time promptly between 17:00 – 18:00 within the Jukskei Park area at no additional charge. Out of boundary deliveries prior and post and pick up is most welcome with prior arrangement.  Order same day by latest noon on below form, or via email/ SMS/WhatsApp – details below. Guests welcome to pick up at 16:30 with prior arrangement.

Payment with delivery or after agreement.  All other areas most welcome, please contact for travel arrangement & out of boundary delivery. Welcome to join Just Vegan for weekend meals do contact for special arrangements.

If ordering from abroad, contact direct on below number to keep in-touch & ahead of emergency arrangements so that Just Vegan can deliver to your hotel promptly & on time.

Just Vegan & Vegan Chef On The Run with Šárka Hedström

For more info contact



+27 0840476000

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